Former PhD students
I am fortunate to have had amazingly talented students from various origins. Below is a list of former PhD students that I have supervised or co-supervised, together with their latest position that I am aware of:
- Luisa Werner, post-doc, Inria (Grenoble)
- Amela Fejza, post-doc, LIRIS (Lyon)
- Sarah Chlyah, permanent research engineer, Inria (Grenoble)
- Muideen Lawal, software engineer, Opensee (Paris)
- Raouf Kerkouche, post-doc, CISPA Research Center (Germany)
- Louis Jachiet, assistant professor, Télécom Paris
- Thibaud Michel, lead researcher, WeMap (Montpellier)
- Abdullah Abbas, post-doc, Orange Labs (Grenoble)
- Damien Graux, permanent researcher at Inria Sophia
- Nicola Guido, software engineer in a London-based software company (UK)
- Melisachew Wudage Chekol, assistant professor, University of Utrecht (Netherlands)
- Everardo Bárcenas, assistant professor, UNAM (Mexico).