Pierre Genevès

Research Director, Computer Science


Graph Significant challenges in artificial intelligence and data management arise from the inherent characteristics of data. Data can vary widely in structure, size, dimensionality, and quality—it may be semi-structured, large, high-dimensional, incomplete, or noisy. On the other hand, data can also follow well-defined logical rules, with inherent patterns and constraints that can be leveraged to improve processing, inference, and decision-making. Graph In the Tyrex project-team, we advance research at the interface of data management and artificial intelligence.


Big Data
GraphRecnew (2024-..)
Through the ANR-funded GraphRec project, we investigate recursive navigational graph query processing, relational learning, and neuro-symbolic approaches to querying large graphs.

CLEAR (2017-2022)
Through the ANR-funded CLEAR project, we explored programming techniques to enhance the extraction of value from large-scale data. Our work included developing efficient methods for querying large graphs, generating optimized distributed code (e.g., for Spark) to process massive datasets, and designing scalable predictive models.